Knowing which ticketing system to use to sell tickets, is not always a matter of course. As, for example, a concert organizer, theater or sports club, there are several different options when it comes to ticket systems, with Ticketmaster, Eventim and Tixly being just some of the ticketing providers available. So, how do you know which ticketing system is right for your business?

We believe that a ticketing system that is customized to your industry, is the right system. Namely, using a ticketing software that tailors features to your unique needs offers many benefits.

So, for those of you who create events and experiences of various kinds, here are 10 reasons why you should choose an industry-specific ticketing system. Let's go!

Hand holding a blue mobile showing a ticket to an event, on a blue background

What is a ticketing software?

If you are new to the event and experience industry, you may need a little more information first, before we jump into the benefits of an industry-specific ticketing system. What exactly is a ticketing system? And which ticketing software providers are there?

A ticketing system is a digital system for managing tickets and ticket purchases. With the help of such a system, tickets can both be created digitally and scanned on site at the event. Today's ticketing systems are often web-based, where the tickets are distributed electronically and the system has technology for machine reading of the tickets' QR or barcodes.

There are several different ticketing systems:

As mentioned, there are several different ticketing software providers for you, in the event and experience industry. A few examples are:


Illustration with tickets in different colors and patterns

10 reasons: That's why you should choose a ticketing system adapted to your business

A ticketing system that is customized to your business is the best ticketing system. The 10 reasons why it is so, you can find out below. You can also use the points as requirements for your next ticketing system procurement.

1. A ticketing software customized for you

What are the similarities between an e-commerce, a car workshop and an experience park? Exactly, not very many. Therefore, it is also obvious that the three business types should not use the same system for sales and customer contacts. By choosing a ticketing system that is customized to your business and your needs, you get both tools, functions and settings that are essential in your specific business. In addition, for example, data storage can differ between different industries, something that the industry-specific system must have knowledge of.

2. A supplier that keeps up your brand and image

An industry-specific ticketing system usually allows you to incorporate your business' brand identity into the ticketing process. This can apply to the choice of colors and shapes as well as the ease of inserting your logo. By being consistent in how you use your brand and keep up your image, you give a professional impression. This, in turn, can increase your credibility and awareness.

3. Revenue management & pricing strategies for your ticket sales according to your needs

Do you want to maximize your income? Of course you want to! When you choose a ticketing software, you must therefore make sure that the ticketing system can meet your wishes in terms of pricing models. Regardless of whether you want to use dynamic pricing or sell the tickets at a fixed price, you need to ensure that the ticketing system has solutions that suit your business and have the potential for maximum sales.

Illustration with pot plant, coins and bills

4. Follow-up of ticket sales

With your ticketing system, you want to be able to follow up the ticket sales. Why? Well, so that you can develop your business and make decisions related to marketing, pricing and event planning. With valuable information about visitor behaviors and purchase patterns, you can make such important decisions.

5. A ticketing system that supports long-term relationships via CRM functions

An industry-specific ticketing system usually includes CRM (Customer Relationship Management) functions that make it easy to maintain your customer records. With up-to-date customer data, you can create more relevant marketing campaigns that engage customers, and thus build long-term relationships. So, look for a ticketing system that provides CRM features!

Pie charts and bar charts in MarketHype's audience overview
With MarketHype's automatic data collection, you can gain a deeper understanding of your customers. You gain insights into sales trends, campaigns and segments, and can create a personalized experience for your visitors. You have channels for marketing in the same system -– directly linked with your data.

6. A ticketing software that provides integrations with other tools

Surely you want to be able to integrate the ticketing system with other systems, right? Of course! A ticketing software that can be integrated with tools for marketing and/or event management, for example, makes your business more efficient. In addition, the need for manual data entry, such as exports and imports of CSV lists between different systems, is reduced.

7. Designed according to the needs of both the user and the customer

A good ticketing system must be user-friendly, both for you as a user and for the customer. It should be easy to create events, add different ticket types and generally understand how the system works. At the same time, the system and ticket purchase process must be designed with the actual customer in mind. Think intuitively and efficiently. A seamless user experience can lead to increased conversion and customer satisfaction – from both you and your customer.

8. A ticketing system that offers scalability as your business grows

As your business grows, you want the ticketing system to be able to grow with you. Can it accommodate a higher volume of ticket sales? Will your business be able to continue using the ticketing system when needs change, without requiring a complete overhaul of the system?

Illustration of hands holding a round object with diagram inside

9. Prevents fraud attempts through secure purchases

Ticketing providers can implement security measures to protect both your business and the customer. The measures are taken against, for example, fake tickets, unauthorized resale and data breaches. A ticketing system that knows the value of security, is good for both your reputation and your revenue.

10. A supplier that offers personal support and onboarding

Ticketing systems with a niche solution often offer a more personal and easily accessible support. It is also common for you as a user to get training in the ticket system so that you can use the system in the best way. Because surely you want to get the greatest possible effect from the system? In addition, you usually get to be more involved in the development of systems that are unique to a particular industry or business.

Good luck!

Woman in black and white filter

"It's really a strength to have analytics, segments and automations in the same tool. We get a good overview and can work smartly with our entire customer database – all in the same tool."

Christine “Titte” Carlsson

Market Analyst, GöteborgsOperan

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Get started with MarketHype!

MarketHype is your experience marketing system, developed by and for people in the same industry as you. We have broad experience from both ticketing systems and events as well as marketing. And now we want to help you get everything in order. From handling the data – to a bigger, happier and more engaged audience.

With MarketHype you collect all customer data from your ticketing or booking system. The data is retrieved, cleaned and verified, and updated automatically – all the time, in one and the same platform. In addition, there is a direct connection between the customer data, your own segments and several different channels, which makes it very easy to direct your communication. Data driven marketing has never been this easy!

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Illustration of man with five hands doing many things at once